Aidan Connell, Southbound, Stone Thieves

Aidan Connell, Southbound, Stone Thieves

at Orange Yard, London

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Live at The Borderline (UK Tour)

Please note: Info provided by the Event Organiser

"Stone Thieves are doused in the great tradition of the quintessentially English take on the electrified sound of American Blues"

A new date is added for the band UK Tour and they are supporting Aidan Connell in London for their upcoming gig in March.

March 19th 2016:The Borderline, Orange Yard, Off Manette Street, W1D 4JB London

British Blues Club Presents Aidan Connell plus Special Guests
''The Only Rock'n Roller in town'' Seasick Steve

Time: 8pm

Line Up: Aidan Connell // Southbound // Stone Thieves

Stone Thieves are a 4 piece Rock n Roll band hailing from the borders of North London/Hertfordshire. The band combine a variety of influences from various genres to create a signature sound they have made their own. Their song writer and front man, Aaron Gardner calls upon the composition and honesty of country music influences, among others to deliver heart-felt songs with a band that is tighter than two coats of paint to back him up.

The idea started life as a 3 piece after the demise of previous music ventures, with long time friend answering the call to arms and picking up the sticks to join Aaron and Bass player, Tom. A year later and the 3 piece had a fourth member when approached by Mike, the now apparent missing link in the sound Stone Thieves aspired to achieve. With many gigs under their belt, the Thieves continue to carve out their own road, playing up and down the country and gaining a dedicated following.

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Upcoming Releases

On March, 18th 2016, the band will release two singles on The Animal Farm:
Little Charmer
Midnight Ride

"We listened to Midnight Ride which is twangy and fresh-faced β€” with passionate Jaggerish vocals. It is dynamic and enterprising rock, filled with zest and dedication." RawRamp

"Little Charmer is a brilliant rock song with a very classic and nostalgic feel to it. Midnight Ride is equally joyful and beautifully rock. Once again, perhaps even more so this time, those riffs are phenomenal – all encompassing and far surpassing much of the rest of whatever the rock world is up to." Stereo Stickman

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Aidan Connell

Aidan Connell is a 21st century bluesman and singer songwriter who has been hailed as the saviour of contemporary British Blues, his live performances…

See Aidan Connell tour dates

Stone Thieves

A four-piece rock and roll band from London. The band combine a variety of influences from various genres to create a signature sound they have made…

See Stone Thieves tour dates

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Orange Yard

16 Manette Street

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Orange Yard

16 Manette Street

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