Dugsi Dayz

Dugsi Dayz

at Royal Court Theatre, London

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“Your stories are silly, no valuable lessons? What happened to the hair raising blood curdling stories!?”

Detention on a Saturday? These four girls are keeping tight-lipped on why they’re there. When a power outage at the Mosque plunges them into darkness, the girls retell Somali folktales to break the ice. As they delve into their stories, they discover parallels that may just lead to friendship.

Written by Sabrina Ali (Muna Knows it All) and directed by Poppy Clifford, Dugsi Dayz is a riotous and authentic comedy exploring Somali, Muslim culture and female friendship, inspired by the 1985 movie The Breakfast Club.

Rated Excellent

Royal Court Theatre

50-51 Sloane Square

See all events at Royal Court Theatre

Royal Court Theatre

50-51 Sloane Square

See all events at Royal Court Theatre