Funhouse Comedy Club

at Barton's, Nottingham

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Daliso Chaponda

Daliso is a versatile African comedian equally comfortable talking politics, romance, filth or religion. As such, he has performed in such diverse venues as churches, casinos, strip clubs and sports bars and was a finalist on Britain's Got Talent 2017. He has lived in countries where the press is not allowed to criticize the government, and in others with no libel laws where they can say anything. He has been both a journalist and a jaded newsreader. Daliso has appeared at many festivals that have included Melbourne, Edinburgh, Singapore and Cape Town Festivals. He is also a prolific fiction writer and has had his science fiction, murder mysteries and fantasy fiction published in numerous magazines and anthologies. He also co-wrote a play that aired on BBC Radio 4. 'Full of extravagant gestures and impassioned speeches. He inspires whoops and cheers from his watchers. Highly recommended' (BBC) 'A joy to listen to. Provocative, poignant and ultimately hilarious' (The Guardian) 'I laughed so much I thought I'd pass out!' (The List) 'It takes a special kind of act to work on both sides of the Atlantic (as well as across Africa), but it seems an easy transition as he compels the crowd with his racial and socially insightful comedy' (News and Star, Carlisle) 'Absolutely [took] the roof off the place. Brilliant, brilliant act' (The Frog and Bucket). Daliso Chaponda was #9 in Ents24's Hardest Working Comedians of 2018 list.

See Daliso Chaponda tour dates

Tom Wrigglesworth

Tom is a frighteningly tall comedian, but a thoroughly nice man with a likeable stage presence and confident delivery. This Yorkshire funny man became a national have-a-go-hero when he rescued a little old lady from the jaws of Virgin train bureaucracy, only to be arrested for begging. He's also the winner of Channel 4's 'So You Think You're Funny?' competition. An articulate and natural raconteur, he possesses an innate ability to riff with an audience like they’re old friends. His warm and hilarious tales, told with true passion never fail to captivate the crowd. His television credits include Russell Howard’s Good News, Edinburgh Comedy Show, Live At The Comedy Store and Engineering Giants. 'Magical storytelling... a rare talent... hysterical and accomplished' (Time Out) 'The gods of comedy chose greatness for Tom' (The Scotsman).

See Tom Wrigglesworth tour dates

Jamie D'Souza

Having started performing comedy in the summer of 2016, Jamie has quickly established himself as a rising star on the comedy circuit. He has reached the finals of the prestigious So You Think You’re Funny? and The Musical Comedy Awards, as well as being shortlisted for the BBC New Comedy Award. Jamie was also the runner up at Hastings Fringe New Comedian Of The Year. Jamie’s stand up has been described as a mix of short stories and one liners, delivered with an instant likability and an understated confidence. Covering a range of topics including veganism, his mixed race heritage and coming to terms with entering adulthood.

See Jamie D'Souza tour dates

Barry Dodds

This charming Geordie motor-mouth has audiences in the palm of his hand, even when discussing the most near the knuckle subjects. With material ranging from the supernatural to euthanasia, everything is delivered with a cheeky smile that wins over even the most stony faced of the audience. A finalist in various high profile competitions such as Jimmy Carr’s Comedy Idol and Jongleurs Last Laugh Comedy Search, his twinkly eyed, playful demeanour disarms judging panels, industry experts and audiences alike, allowing him flirt coquettishly with topics that are traditionally a little more unusual. 'Hugely enjoyable... a ton of great stories... one to watch' (The Guardian) 'Razor sharp humour' (Metro) '... the appealing and perceptive Barry Dodds... captivates his audiences with his energy, spirit and tantalizing wit. His mix of surprisingly uncanny and irrepressibly cheeky material leaves them wanting for more' (Funhouse Comedy).

See Barry Dodds tour dates

rated excellent


61 High Road


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61 High Road


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